Charleville Golf Course - Charleville

The attractive parkland golf course on its present site since 1941 has now extended to a pleasant 27 hole heavily wooded course, well known for its lush fairways and beautiful greens. Its location at the foothills of the Ballyhoura Mountains and next to Munster's most central town makes it an ideal centre for golf only 40 minutes from Cork and Limerick cities. The club is renowned for it's friendliness, which extends to Irish and overseas visitors alike. On completion of a game, one can relax in the luxuriously appointed and tastefully designed clubhouse and avail of the excellent catering and bar facilities. The course is very popular but despite this it is always in excellent condition. The main obstacles are its numerous trees. A golf course for a not too demanding but enjoyable round and a visit is certainly recommended.
Located 2km from Charleville Town.
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