County Cork
Cork - Corcaigh - Marsh

Location of County Cork
County Cork is located in the South of Ireland on the coast.
With an area of 7,460 square kilometers County Cork is the largest county in Ireland and contains the third-largest city. Cork City is a bustling city delightfully situated on the river Lee. Part of Cork's success as a community is due to it's beautiful surroundings but the city owes much of its prosperity to the sea and the river with one of the best natural harbours in Europe.
The inland area of County Cork has many lively and bustling towns like Mallow, which is located on the banks of the Blackwater river and is one of Ireland's main coarse and game angling centres.
Blarney is a small village but is world famous due the Blarney Stone which is said to give the gift of the gab to anyone who kisses it's surface.
West Cork attracts many tourists each year to it's prime locations like the Beara Peninsula which is shared with County Kerry. It commences at Bantry and passes through Castletownbere before entering County Kerry. Bantry is delightfully situated on the head of Bantry Bay. It has been welcoming visitors for many years. Kinsale is a town of great character and played a major role in Irish history throughout the years.
The area of East Cork is beautiful with many attractions and towns like Cobh, which is a small town located on Great Island with a beautiful harbour, and Youghal.
Some of County Cork's Visitor Attractions
A selection of County Cork's Festivals
March Ballydehob Irish Traditional Music Festival - Ballydehob
May Ballydehob Jazz Festival - Ballydehob
September Clonakilty International Guitar Festival - Clonakilty
April Mallow Racing Home For Easter - Mallow
April Cork International Choral Festival - Cork City Centre
June Cork Mid-Summer Festival - Cork City Centre
County Cork Accommodation Listings
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