Cork City Gaol
Cork City Centre, County Cork
An historic prison located in Cork City Centre, County Cork

Cork City Gaol, a listed building, is an important part of Irish architectural heritage. A fine example of the work of Sir Thomas Deane, it dates from one of the most distinguished periods in Cork's architectural history. It is a wonderful piece of Georgian/Gothic architecture, with a number of particularly pleasant and unusual features - in fact, from the outside, it looks more like a castle than a purpose built prison. The classical proportions of the building feature Gothic details such as turreted battlements, dripstones etc. Wandering through the wings of the Gaol, the atmosphere suggests you are accompanied by the shuffling feet of inmates, each representing their particular period in Irish history from pre –famine times to the foundation of the state. The cells are furnished with amazingly life like wax figures; original graffiti on cell walls tell the innermost feelings of some inmates while a very spectacular audio visual tells the social history and contrasting lifestyles of the 19th century Cork and why some people turned to crime, and some ended up in Australia. This exhibition fascinates visitors of all ages and nationalities and the tour is available in up to 13 languages.
Directions to Cork City Gaol - Cork City Centre
Located in Cork City Centre on Convent Avenue.
Sat Nav: 51.899509,-8.499049
* Pictures; courtesy of photographic unit of the department of environment, heritage and local government.
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